Hi everyone, well one more treatment successfully completed! We got back late last night from Scottsdale. Mom had a exam with the physician assistant this time. So far things are going along with protocol and the neulasta injection she had 2 weeks ago really helped to boost her white blood cell count. We cant really evaluate the chemo effectiveness until we have a scan of her tumors which will be done in a few weeks. So what is important right now is how mom is feeling. She looks great and sounds strong, so these are all good things! I spoke with mom and dad this morning and mom is feeling really good, so lets hope and pray this continues.
Mom was able to visit with two of her sisters (Ruth & Wanda)again while she was getting her treatment at Mayo. Although we all wish the circumstances for these visits were different, I know mom really enjoys being able to chat and visit with them. Dads really getting a use out of his motorhome as that was our form of transportation again on this round. We went up early Monday morning and returned late Tuesday night. It's about a six hour drive, of course we make quite a few stops (including cracker barrel for moms favorite bubble gum). I'm sure dads very tired and I would loved to help him drive, but I have no depth perception(not exactly the kind of driver you want behind the wheel of a motorhome)so dad is left to be chauffeur, but he takes it all in stride and we are all home safe and sound.
Mom has been really touched by all of you who have shown your concern. She has heard from many long time friends, the Challis family, Audrey and her mom, Shirley and Ed, even some friends from as far as France whom (expectedly) mom left such an endearing impression on, and soooo many others. She has also enjoyed reading the comments that some of you have added to this blog. She enjoyed her niece Glenda reminiscing about all of the great adventures all of you have shared! So on behalf of the family a great big Thank-You to each and every one of you who continue to remind our mother what a loved and special person she is! Please keep up your thoughts and prayers for her!
Bye for now, Michelle.