Hello Everyone, Sorry for the delay in recent posts. Things have been more than hectic! Anyway, Mom is doing well - the implanted catheter seems to be working, in the fact that she can relieve her ascities while in the comfort of her home. She usually seems to feel pretty good and has a good amount of energy and appetite. Of course, about three days after chemo she does get very fatigued and this usually lasts two or three days. At her last Dr. app, Mom asked if she could change chemo to a every other week schedule instead of three weeks on, one off. The Dr. said this would be fine, and should not compromise her health. This is a big relief to both Mom and Dad. They are not committed to driving to Duarte every week, and Mom gets more 'good' days in between. Today they will go to City of Hope so Mom can get her scheduled CT scan. Pray for the best! We should have the results in about a week. Then, this thursday she will receive another round of chemo. We are all looking forward to celebrating the upcoming February birthdays of both Dad and Mom. They are planning on getting away for a few days to celebrate. ( Hopefully somewhere fabulous!!= They deserve it!!) As always, a big thanks to each and every one of you for keeping my Mom in your thoughts and prayers. Keep it up!= we're not done with the fight!! Bye for now, Michelle