Hello Everyone,
Well, I have quite a bit to update you on so I'll get right to it. On Tuesday the 8th we flew up to Mayo for Moms scheduled chemo cycle and a visit with her Dr. Mom had a CT scan as well. When we had our visit with her Dr., he felt that the treatment was not effectively helping Mom. He said he would get the results of her tumor markers later and if by chance they were down in the 100's he would keep her in the trial. ( Her markers were 680 when she first began treatment) He sent us home that day without giving Mom her chemo treatment, and sufficed to say we all felt quite dejected.
However, a couple of hours after arriving home, Dad got a call from Mayo saying Moms marker level was 181! So cancer levels have decreased in her body!!! They wanted her back up for more testing and possibly a round of chemo. Wednesday they drove up to Scottsdale. Mike went with them this time and helped a great deal with the driving. Thursday the 10th, Mom had a liter of fluid removed from her abdominal cavity (she has been very distended in this area, and quite uncomfortable)and Mayo checked this fluid for cancer cells.
Fridays' results....... No cancer cells in this fluid!!!!!Great News!! So on Friday Mom had her chemo treatment, and then the three of them made the trek back to riverside arriving home at close to midnight.
I visited with Mom yesterday and as always she looked great, and seemed to be feeling O.K. Score 1 for us!!! We will continue to be tenacious in our fight.
Please continue to hope and pray for Mom.
Bye for now, Michelle
Well, I have quite a bit to update you on so I'll get right to it. On Tuesday the 8th we flew up to Mayo for Moms scheduled chemo cycle and a visit with her Dr. Mom had a CT scan as well. When we had our visit with her Dr., he felt that the treatment was not effectively helping Mom. He said he would get the results of her tumor markers later and if by chance they were down in the 100's he would keep her in the trial. ( Her markers were 680 when she first began treatment) He sent us home that day without giving Mom her chemo treatment, and sufficed to say we all felt quite dejected.
However, a couple of hours after arriving home, Dad got a call from Mayo saying Moms marker level was 181! So cancer levels have decreased in her body!!! They wanted her back up for more testing and possibly a round of chemo. Wednesday they drove up to Scottsdale. Mike went with them this time and helped a great deal with the driving. Thursday the 10th, Mom had a liter of fluid removed from her abdominal cavity (she has been very distended in this area, and quite uncomfortable)and Mayo checked this fluid for cancer cells.
Fridays' results....... No cancer cells in this fluid!!!!!Great News!! So on Friday Mom had her chemo treatment, and then the three of them made the trek back to riverside arriving home at close to midnight.
I visited with Mom yesterday and as always she looked great, and seemed to be feeling O.K. Score 1 for us!!! We will continue to be tenacious in our fight.
Please continue to hope and pray for Mom.
Bye for now, Michelle